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ShowSlinger Ticketing COVID 19 AGREEMENT

ShowSlinger and the event organizers that use the platform are extremely concerned about the potential spread of the Covid-19 virus, Attendees agree to practice social distancing, wear masks when not in designated areas reserved for their family, otherwise practice good hygiene practices at public rest rooms and otherwise follow the reasonable instructions of our volunteer monitors. As a condition of attendance, the venue requires that all persons read and sign the Acknowledgement, Assumption of Risk and Waiver and Release below: 


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HEALTH RISKS:  By using this site in any way, I acknowledge and understand the potential health risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic by close personal contact such as may result from attending or performing at any event.  I agree that I, and all minors for whom I am legal guardian, are in good health and that I will comply with all restrictions imposed by the Event Organizer and otherwise take appropriate precautions while in attendance.  If I determine that my attendance poses an unsafe health risk to me (or any minors for whom I am legal guardian) in any way, I will immediately vacate the area and cause any minors under my supervision to do so as well.


ASSUMPTION OF RISK:  I fully understand that attending any event involves the risk of illness or injury, including possible exposure to the COVID-19 virus, whether from the actions or omissions of the Event Organizer (including their staff and volunteers), other users at the event, or other attendees; and that there may be other risks not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time. I understand and acknowledge that while the event area may be monitored by staff employed by, or volunteering on behalf of, the Event Organizer, there is no guarantee that other attendees will remain fully compliant with safe social distancing, mask wearing and good hygiene requirements, or State or CDC guidelines relating to COVID-19. I FULLY ACCEPT AND ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS and all responsibility for personal injuries, including death, losses, costs, and damages both for myself and any minors under my supervision that may be incurred as a result of attendance of any event.


WAIVER AND RELEASE: In consideration of the event organizer's agreement to allow me and all minors under my supervision to attend any event, I  hereby RELEASE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE, both on my own behalf, and on behalf of all minors for whom I am legal guardian, the Event Organizer and their respective agents, employees, and volunteers (each a “Releasee” herein) from all personal injuries, including death, losses, costs, and damages related to the COVID-19 virus caused or alleged to be caused by attendance of any event; and I further agree that if, despite this release, waiver of liability, and assumption of risk, I or any minors for whom I am legal guardian, make a claim against any of the Releasees, I will indemnify, save and hold harmless each of the Releasees from any loss, liability, damage, cost or legal fees which any of them may incur as the result of such claim.

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